Scars of Beauty
Scars are a part of God's beauty
He sees us as beautiful, even when we don't
Marks from our journeys tell our stories
Each line a reminder of battles we've fought
Look at the scars on His hands and feet
He wore a crown of thorns, love's heartbeat
He loves us beyond all comprehension
In our pain, we find His redemption
Scars of the heart, blood and pain
He loved us through storms, through joy and rain
Put it all at His feet, let the healing start
Notice His scars; they mend every heart
Look at the scars on His hands and feet
He wore a crown of thorns, love's heartbeat
He loves us beyond all comprehension
In our pain, we find His redemption
He is scarred like we are, but for us He came
Jesus takes our pain; He knows all our shame
He bore it all so we may be free
Accept your scars; they're part of your story
Wear your scars with pride, let them show
A scar is pain that has healed, let love flow
Scars aren't always seen, but they shape who we are
Let it go, stop reliving; you're never too far
Look at the scars on His hands and feet
He wore a crown of thorns, love's heartbeat
He loves us beyond all comprehension
In our pain, we find His redemption
Forgiveness is yours; let Jesus mend it
Unexpected scars can lead you to God's gift
In every wound, there's a promise of grace
In our scars, we find God's face
Forgiveness is yours; let Jesus mend it
Unexpected scars can lead you to God's gift
In every wound, there's a promise of grace
In our scars, we find God's face
Forgiveness is yours; let Jesus mend it
Unexpected scars can lead you to God's gift
In every wound, there's a promise of grace
In our scars, we find God's face
Look at the scars on His hands and feet
He wore a crown of thorns, love's heartbeat
He loves us beyond all comprehension
In our pain, we find His redemption