[ Featuring the Sierra Serenaders ]
Dry wind rises from the Great Basin
Wildfire season is here
Speeding fast through Jarbo's Gap
Steel your soul, there's no going back
But don't fear, through the smoke
God's biggest angel draws near
A fire dozer appears
Yes, God's biggest angel is here
Pushing at a hero's place
Quashing the inferno's chase
The devil laughs and nature rages
Heroes push forward in steel cages
God's biggest angel roars through the night
Guarding humans with all his might
Through smoke, ash and flame they push their way
They never stop and they fight all day
The only hope for our timber stands
A force of nature, our fate in their hands
Please fire warrior protect our land
Hey, fire dozer
Nature's been watching
While you've been big bossing
Big housing all over the land
And the reaper ignites the road
The fire dozer sets the fans to full
The fire eats its fill
Against ninety tons of human will
The turbos spool and give fight
The iron giant versus the firelight
The devil laughs and nature rages
Heroes pushed forward in steel cages
God's biggest angel roars through the night
Guarding humans with all his might
Cursed in mother nature's name
This forest won't be the same
Those fire breaks and man made lakes
Take the cake for fire escape
Fire dozer wins the fight
God's biggest angel pushed the world through the night
Devil laughs and nature rages
Heroes pushed forward in steel cages
God's biggest angel roars through the night
Guarding humans with all his might
The devil laughs and nature rages
Send dozers for pyrocene wages