Yeah I have to go
It's all for the best
You're ruining the vibe
Guess you can't help it
Imma disappear
Letting go
It's necessary
I'm leaving
He's not coming back
This isn't home anymore
It's worthless
It's one big nightmare
Big veegz, he's not going back
Time to go
Big Veegz is leaving the show
Sent up to heaven
To Protect this realm
A sentinel
A martyr
Big Veegz
An eternal defender
Veegz remains
He's still in the game
Mellow and Yellow
You'd better be prepared
The demon isn't coming back
Abstinence is where it's at
No sex, no drugs, no drinking
No clubs
He's the moral standard
Le roi est mort, vive le roi
The king is dead
Long live the king
Le veegz est more, vive le veegz
The veegz is dead
Long live the veegz
Long live the veegz
Best wishes for a long life
Pray for the good life
This is it
This ain't lit
You come and go
And so do I
Guilty as charged
You've beemn isbarred
One large soy latte
Double shot
Double the strength
Half the weaknesses
Owe it all to them
The Brazillian coffee trade slaves
Rest in peace
Ain't shit
If you aren't gonna police
Le Veegz is mort, Vive le Veegz
Vive Le Veegz
Vive le Bouef
Vive le Poisson
Vive le humanitie
Vive Charles De Gaulle
Luc besson
Fracois traffaut
Denis Vellieneuve
Je suis Veegz
Je suis veegz
I'm no bitch
I'm the grand soy boy
And what are you
With frances mcdormand
Trapped in the middle of Paris
It happened to me
Still trapped inside
I see you over there
I remember now
You complimented me
"Nice Idea"
Fly away with me
Suicide pact
Make it fact
Let's go
Into the wild
Alexander Supertramp
I'll be a super tramp for you
Let's go
Let's get away
Come back?
Maybe someday