Every now and then|I can feel this feeling|Hooking up to back when|Theres a difference|Can tell the difference|Between history and regret||It's the same old world|Where we grew up|And there's no one|To blame for why|We're all screwed up|You can bury your head|In a great big hole|Did you ever believe|That you were in control?|In control||I can be a picture|Be it with me|Beat it baby|Beat the monkey back down|It never feels|Like the real feeling|Dealing with the poor|Hand me downs||It's the same old world|Where we grew up|And there's no one|To blame for why|They're all screwed up|You can bury your head|In a great big hole|Did you ever believe|That you were in control?||We're locked out of heaven|And its all my fault|You never noticed I had it|Til it starts to fall||Remember the boy|Who never grew up|They've put him away|And now he's all screwed up|He's swallowing pills|Knows when to say when|He gets to believe|He'll be just like them||It's the same old world|Where we grew up|And there's no one|To blame for why|They're all screwed up|You can bury your head|In a great big hole|Did you ever believe|That you were in control?||-Solos-||