Journey across the water
To the mystic isles
Lashing rain
Glowing pain
Sailing for many moons now
Through storms thick and thin
Sweeping tides
Foaming waves
Yonder shore
Mist galore
Journey to Avalon
To lay rest Brenin
Long they fought
To the bitter end
And now humbled
We carry to the tomb
Bodies of the gone
Martyred long away
Forward I implore
On to Hy Bresail
Far have we sailed
Through northern sea
Taste the salt on the air
Though now deceased
He shall linger on
In the minds of our young
In the end we all see
What we really need
And will finally reap
All the sowing of seed
Even for King is an end
Not befitting of him
Die in battle he went
So that we may lament