Gimme a fast ball flying over home plate|corn dogs and some ten cent lemonade|stands all packed and little billy's up at bat|how bout a shady tree dog in the front yard|begging me to throw that tennis ball|bucket full of suds washing up a bucket of rust|kids out of school sky's shining blue|long days sun rays nothing like june||got the gang out back sprinkler in the grass|t-bones grillin cold coronna chillin|get your lazy on all day long|let the sun shine that's why god made summertime||gimme a tire swing down by the old creek|scraped knees damn it's only waist deep |jump in cool off your sun burned skin|kicking back killing time living that good life|ain't nothing like soaking up july||gang's out back sprinkler in the grass|t-bones grillin cold coronna chillin|get your lazy on all day long|let the sun shine that's why god made summertime||here comes twilight bringing out the fireflies|stars shining got nothing on your eyes|hurry up girl don't miss a gimme that long kiss|we're almost out of august||gang's all ready parked out at the levee|circled up headlights|let's do it right and get your crazy on all night long|let the stars shine that's why god made summertime|gang's out back sprinkler in the grass|t-bones grillin cold coronna chillin|get your lazy on all day long|let the sun shine that's why god made summertime||let the sun shine that's why god made summertime||