Unlike anything I've
Touched before
Your voice blisters
Tender smarting
I can't remember how to feel
But I think this is dead on
Imagine 7 years ago had we been any wiser
How the reflection would've changed
Turn another card
Reversed and upside down
I am the major to your minor
Hermit Hierophant
I won't be swayed
By the outside
Trust your instincts
I can't remember how to feel
But I think this is dead on
Imagine 7 years ago had we been any wiser
How the reflection would've changed
Misfortune smoke and roses
Tear the snarls from your hair
I am the minor to your major
Imagine 7 years ago had we been any wiser
How the reflection would've changed
Misfortune smoke and roses
Tear the snarls from your hair
But I think this is dead on