Thank you for your Mercy
That saved me from all that my past
Despite all wrong I've made
You still choose me to love
Cleanse me with your blood
And dressed me with honor
Truly you are God
God of all the earth
Koro obong ufonde
Koro ima esie odu kensisi
Koro obong ufonde
Koro ima esie odu kensisi
Angels bow down to you
The leaves all clap their hands
The seas the moon and stars
Always proclaim your praise
You wrapped me with your grace
Lord you made me who I am
I would have been nothing
If you had not been there for me
Koro obong ufonde
Koro ima esie odu kensisi
Koro obong ufonde
Koro ima esie odu kensisi
Kensisi kensisi
Koro ima odu
Forever and ever
For His Mercies endures forever