I wanna be just like the cool kids
I wanna do the things they just did
But I'm not
I'm awkward
But I know math both backwards and forward
I wanna be seen at school
Right now there's no one who sees me
I'm weird
I'm awkward
I wanna see people wanna be like me
It's not so dumb
To have a goal even though it's never gonna come
I'm just like everyone else
All the people you see at the grocery
They're all the same
They have no names
Every single one of them wants to be famous
It's okay to just be normal
Just be like all the other people
But one day
I might say
Look at me, I'm one of the cool kids
Every one can buy a ticket
Just walk in the gas station and pick it
It's the lottery
It's really easy
Everyone has the same chance as me
Someone wins, every week
So what's the big deal my day will come
I keep playing
What I'm saying
Is someday I might just win big
It's not so dumb
To have a goal even though it's never gonna come
I'm just like everyone else
All the people you see at the grocery
They're all the same
They have no names
Every single one of them wants to be famous
I wanna be just like the cool kids
I wanna do the things they just did
But I'm not
I'm awkward
But I know math both backwards and forward
I wanna be seen at school
Right now there's no one who sees me
I'm weird
I'm awkward
I wanna see people wanna be like me
It's not so dumb
To have a goal even though it's never gonna come
I'm just like everyone else
All the people you see at the grocery
They're all the same
They have no names
Every single one of them wants to be famous
I'm not dumb, to have a dream
Everyone you know has their dream too
They're like me
They're like you
They're just like the the people who turned out cool