There is not only one truth
I'm in the booth
I feel smooth
Forever in my youth
My values are maybe
Not yours but I cruise
Wherever I choose
You are in my face
Give me some space
You try to lead my way
To stay
On the way you are
But we are far
Please let me be
Just me
You are in my ear
You want me to hear
Your fear
You wanna take over
To steer
And all I'm gonna say
I wanna stay let me live
Accept what I decide to give
My gift for a shift
Make a difference
To lift each other up
Never gonna stop
Stay on top
Stop this hate
Show your pure face
Destined to be great
Let me create
My own space
Destined to be great
Let me create
My truth is maybe not yours
Take the risk
But at least I choose
No warranty for my fantasy
Building my own destiny
Royalty is Perpetual
Factual see clear
No fear being me
In the flow
With my own glow
Come to my show
I'm gonna blow
In the flow
With my own glow
Not yours but this is mine
Mine mine
Music is the key
Not for you
But I talk about me
Mine mine
Music is the key
Not for you
But I talk about me
Stop this hate
Show your pure face
Destined to be great
Let me create
My own space
Destined to be great
Let me create
In the flow
With my own glow
Come to my show
I'm gonna blow
In the flow
With my own glow
Not yours but this is mine
Mine mine
Music is the key
Not for you
But I talk about me
Mine mine
Music is the key
Not for you
But I talk about me
Let me create
My own space
Destined to be great
Let me create