This is the day that the Lord has made let's rejoice and be glad in it
For the time has come where we all as one
Need to lift the name of God up high
All the saints out there who know what we share
Don't hold back the praise that he is due
Open up your heart and worship him
In Spirit and in Truth
Let's all lift the Name of Jesus and sing about his goodness
And tell of all His blessings he brings to us all
Let's all praise our God and Savior as we give Him all the glory
And learn to sing the highest praise all day long
The Lord is here He has made it known can you sense His presence
In this Place He is healing here he's restoring there
There's an outpouring of His Grace Holy Spirit now come and take
Control and do as you wish to do for our only plan right here right now
Is to give all the glory to you
Alabad el nombre de Cristo
Cantad de sus bondades
Y de las bendiciones que nos da el Señor
Alabad al Salvador, Dadle toda la gloria
Venimos a adorarle por la eternidad