How you doing Brandon Cherry-Moore Here
I just came to encourage you
We shall overcome, overcome, overcome, overcome
Yea the devil tried to kill us
The devil tried to stop us
The devil tried to defeat us
But we came out on top
The devil tried to take our life
But through GOD'S power we came out
We came out on top and we can't be stopped
The thief came not but to steal kill and destroy but JESUS CHRIST
Came to give us life more abundantly John 10:10
We shall overcome
You shall overcome
No matter what you're going through I want you to sing this song... say
We shall overcome, overcome, overcome, overcome
The race was not given to the swift or the strong but those who endure to the end
I know the BIBLE declare that time and chance happenth hem all
That's the end of that scripture
But in order for time and chance to happen you got to hold on
You got to endure to the end
You got to keep pressing on you got to keep fighting you got to
Keep going
No matter what the enemy did no matter what the enemy tries to do
You got to keep going you got to keep fighting no matter what the world is saying
No matter what the government is saying no matter what is going on around you
You got to keep pressing forward you got
To keep moving on towards your goal towards destiny
The civil rights movement
World war 1 World war 2
The battle of pearl harbor All the various wars
The Iraq war All these different thing happening in our life
2020 The coronavirus All these different things we face day after day
We shall overcome we will overcome
We shall overcome, overcome, overcome
Were gonna come out on top
We shall overcome, overcome, overcome
To the number 1 spot
Yea we shall overcome
We will come out on top because of JESUS sacrifice on the cross
HE hung bleed and died on the cross for you and I for our sins
To give us life more abundantly JESUS CHRIST came to give us victory over the enemy
So no matter what your going through I want you to believe and know that you shall Overcome we shall overcome as a nation as a group of people
We shall overcome when times get tough when times get rough
Come together in unity and know we shall overcome