Though mystery is bound to the Haunted
A sense of the unknown the spirit Is daunted
Vaunted halls that draw the soul Upward to god
A place to seek peace when the Times are hard
Tranquility is found on the verge Of forgiveness
The cross is blood stained and
Shall serve as your witness
Opposing those that are guilty of Apostasy
It was written in the book of Revelation which is prophecy
Nowhere close to being done ive Still got a lot to see
Carrying each cross that I bear is A lot for me
Though writers remorse is not Fulfilled without regret
Set forth on a stage of absolution
My penance is debt
Fully absolved on the surface
As its paid in remembrance of Death
Burdens casted on my soul
As the culmination is set
In an endless silence
Even your screams sound quiet
A war within with no outlet for Your thoughts
As they begin to riot
In the midst of a paradigm shift
What was once set to occur
Began to drift
As my darkness shines the Brightest
Will you love me or not the Slightest
During the witching hour
I found the elixir of life
I am the chosen one
Been given the gift of sight
I see through all the fraud
I transcend every and any false God
And those that pretend to care
To self consumed to realize youre There
Stepping on the edge of forever
Creation of a mind that was put Together
With long standing ties that began To sever
Gets me to a place thats above And beyond
Thats further along than any love
And bond