I am a Xia
I know kung fu and can blast you with my endless power of Chi
I am a Xia
I walk on water because gravity doesn't apply to me
I am a Xia
I possess great power and I fight for what is just
少林武當,峨嵋崆峒 (Shaolin, Wudang, Emei, Kongtong)
崑崙華山,八卦太極 (Kunlun, Mount Hua, Bagua, Tai Chi)
管你什麼門派,我都一個一個來 (I don't care about your style, I will take on you all)
和尚,尼姑,我都一視同仁 (Monk or nun, I will take on you all the same)
(This is the twenty-first century, an era of gender equality)
(I don't care about your religion and social status, just come forward and battle)
生死狀,怕什麼,看著我,簽下去 (Why be afraid? Look at me, sign The Form)
深呼吸,吃我正義的一拳 (Take a deep breath, and take my fist of justice)
傳說中的俠 (Xia from the legends)
傳說中的俠 (Xia from the legends)
問世間,情是何物 (O, What is love in this world)
問世間,情是何物 (O, What is love in this world)
問世間,情是何物 (O, What is love in this world)
問世間... (O...)
I am a Xia
I know kung fu and can blast you with my endless power of Chi
I am a Xia
I walk on water because gravity doesn't apply to me
I am a Xia
I possess great power and I fight for what is just
氣凝丹田,抱元守一 (Chi in Dantian, enclose the energy)
打通我的,任督二脈 (Open up my Conception and Governing Vessels)
我的內功心法,說也不妨 (I don't mind revealing my secrets to Chi)
縱使懂了,也練不出來 (I doubt you'll successfully master it anyway)
這種大數據的年代,沒有秘密 (There are no secrets in this era of big data)
(My sword techniques were leaked online anyways)
(That's OK, you can receive the knowledge but the outcome will depend on yourself)
(A first place won't be as glorious without some challengers)
(Wood leads to fire, fire leads to earth, earth leads to metal, metal leads to water)
(Water leads to wood, defeating everyone in the world)
I am a Xia
I am a Xia
I am a Xia
I am a Xia