Linda, honey, listen, look it, look it, honey, listen to me
Linda, honey, listen, you are always so exhausting
Tired of getting caught between the filling and the frosting
Trying every angle just to make you see some reason
Tell me that you do, but I can't tell when you are teasing
Over and over you put down my big plans
Why can't you see I need to be my own man
Linda, honey, listen, look it, look it, honey, listen to me
Linda, honey, listen, I just have to put my foot down
Going round in circles till I'm driven to the ground
Now, all you ever tell me is I always have to give in
Say it's cause you love me, but it doesn't feel like living
Over and over, try to get a word in
Why can't you try to understand my burden
Linda, honey, listen, look it, look it, honey, listen to me
Linda, honey, listen, now, I feel we're getting nowhere
Living in the same house, breathing different air
All I'm really asking is you try to meet me halfway
Nothing's gonna break if you try to see my way
Over and over, I tell you my big plan
One day you'll see I'm gonna be my own man
Linda, honey, listen, look it, look it, honey, listen to me
Linda, honey, listen, look it, look it, honey, listen to me
Linda, honey, listen, look it, look it, honey, listen to me
Linda, honey, listen, look it, look it, honey, listen to me
Honey, listen to me
Come on, listen to me