Jackson Students: Move, Move
Twig: Welcome to Jackson
Girl: No he didnt
Twig: Come on
Jackson Students: Move
Twig: Welcome to Jackson
Nautica: He could get it
Twig: Come on
Jackson Students: Move
Campbell: Excuse me they told me I need a
Jackson Students: Move
Campbell: Hallway pass, excuse me im trying to find my
Jackson Students: Move
Campbell: Homeroom class, im looking for someone to follow so
I know my way but everyone's going their own way now, can somebody anyone show me around?
Jackson Students: Don't follow me, hey, why you on top of me,
leave me alone, do your own thing, oh, do your own thing, hey.
Comin through, I aint following you, do what you gotta do, do your own thing,
oh, do your own thing, hey. Crap it's time for class.
Teacher: Class please welcome a new transfer student from Truman High,
please give a warm Jackson welcome to...Oh, what's your name, Campbell?
Campbell: Campbell!
Cameron: Like the soup
Twig: Looking hot cream of mushroom
Brigit: Campbell?!
Campbell: Brigit, thank god!
Brigit: Oh Em Goodness, you got redistricted too?
Campbell: Can you believe this?
Brigit: I'm in heaven, I bet i've got till lunch atleast before everyone sees im a spaz!
Campbell: I wish Steven was here, im so not used to not fitting in
Brigit: I've got lots of experience with not fitting, do you need some pointers?
Campbell: I guess
Brigit: Okay, Step one to become invisible, books up de-accentuate the physical,
head down use only your peripherals, stick with me we'll be indivisible
Campbell: They've taken a hatchet and hacked my
Jackson: Move
Campbell: Team apart, they've taken my high school career and...
pressed restart, im looking for someone to follow so I know my way.
Brigit: But hey, we're finding our own way now and isnt that what being youngs all about,
check it out now
Jackson students: Dont follow me
Brigit: Don't follow anybody....................
Everyone here does their own thing, we'll do our own thing
Jackson Students: Why you on top of me leave me alone, do you own thing, do your own thing
Brigit: Come one, let's go krunkin in the parking lot
Campbell: What?
Brigit: You know krunking krunking!
Twig: You looking fine baby
Brigit: Sorry what?
Twig: I said you lookin fine!
Brigit: Jinkies, no one has ever said that to me before with the exception of
a hobo once and my youth pastor.
Randall: What's up man?
Cameron: Yo, what it do kid? You got the stuff?
Randall: Chopped and screwed it
Cameron: Damn, I can't wait to use it
Randall: I'm telling you its crack so don't lose it
Cameron: Check it out, its that cute campbell soup kid
Campbell: Campbell
Randall: I'm sorry, who's this?
Campbell: Are you guys selling crack?
Randall: Don't be stupid, dude its a memory stick full of music!
Campbell: Im sorry, i'm such a dufus, i'm jumping to conclusions, im useless
Randall: Hey, its cool, you're new, you'll get through this.
Campbell,Brigit: Right now, we stick out like two toothpicks
Campbell: Im so confused to who's in whose clique,
where are the surfer dudes, who are the cool kids
Randall: We dont travel in groups but the truth is
Randall,Twig: we do have a dance crew and they're ruthless
Voice: Nautica....LaCieniga
Jackson Students: Danielle, check it out now!
(Dance break)
Jackson Students: Move!
Jackson Students: Move!
Twig: Make way for the crew, they can prove you can really.....
Students: Move....break em off something new, let em through they can really move!
Oh snap, you do your thing, go do your thing
Danielle: Everybody move
Students: Oh snap, you do your thing, go do your thing
Danielle: Everybody Move!
Students: Oh snap, you do your thing, go do your thing
Danielle: yeah yeah yeahhhhhh
Campbell: Im looking for something....excuse im trying....somebody anyone show me arou.....
Danielle: Yo I said move
Campbell: Oh, sorry
Don't follow me, dont follow anybody, why you on top of me,
everyone here does their own thing, do your own thing, do your own thing, do your own thing,
coming through, I aint following you, do what you gotta do, do your own thing,
Oh snap, you do your thing, go do your thing,
Oh snap, you do your thing, go do your thing,
Jackson Students: Welcome To Jackson!!!!!