Tiny vesicles floating cell to cell
Exosomes carry secrets healing stories they tell
Packed with proteins RNA and more
Delivering messages opening new doors
Exosome therapy nature's little guide
Carrying hope inside where healing abides
From regeneration to fighting disease
Exosomes work with elegant ease
Harnessing these vesicles medicine's new frontier
Targeting ailments from the far to near
In labs they're studied for their potent role
In therapy they contribute making patients whole
Exosome therapy nature's little guide
Carrying hope inside where healing abides
From regeneration to fighting disease
Exosomes work with elegant ease
Harnessing these vesicles medicine's new frontier
Targeting ailments from the far to near
In labs they're studied for their potent role
In therapy they contribute making patients whole
Exosome therapy nature's little guide
Carrying hope inside where healing abides
From regeneration to fighting disease
Exosomes work with elegant ease
Here's to the tiny with power immense
Exosome therapy the future tense
A breakthrough in biotech so small so smart
With exosome therapy a new healing art