It feels a little colder in this truck stop town
Jake brake rumbles and rattles the ground
Of all the places this was it
Where my ole man liked and seen as fit
This is where dreams stay to die
Where low brow breeds and really comes to life
Fist fight, for dibs on in the middle
This good enough perpetuates
This dead end that's grasped your sons and daughters
Get out begin to separate
The oil from the water
Used to have some heart, a will to survive
But empty homes have been a trend for awhile
Folks round here drive an hour each way
To make ends meet finding decent pay
She died a slow, gradual death
Farms lost land, bumper crop of meth
Fist fight, for dibs on in the middle
This good enough perpetuates
This dead end that's grasped your sons and daughters
Get out begin to separate
The oil from the water