I was out for a walk downtown last Saturday night|Coming back from a show or something like that|And I looked up at the sky and it was dark and covered with clouds|And I thought about how I needed to get some kind of job||And I thought about how living out of a van isn't as romantic as it's made out to be|Especially when the only one in the van is me|And I sat down on the curb and watched a squirrel get hit by a car|And I wondered where you are, whoever you are||Every bit of the body needs something to do|Every good album needs a slow song or two|So out with the adenoids and in with the ballads|Every future needs androids, every model needs salads||Well as I was sitting there looking from the dead squirrel to the distant taillights of the car that hit it|I thought about how if I did have a real job I'd probably last two weeks and then quit it|And I thought about how my van was pretty nice after all and since I was in my 30s now it seemed appropriate to be driving a minivan anyway|Even if I didn't have an apartment or my own driveway||And then some university girls passed me on their way to 80s night and they were all wearing the same kind of pants|I was sitting on the curb so I didn't notice their faces but they all seemed excited to dance|And I thought about how when I dance people often think I have some kind of rare syndrome or disease|So I don't dance too often but I'd like to dance as often as I pleased||Cause every bit of the body needs something to do|Even agoraphobics need the occasional public rendezvous|You've got to keep dancing if you want to meet some kind of woman or some kind of man|And we're all dancing as fast as we can||Everybody needs a body to be somebody| Everybody needs a body to be somebody'.|