Bound to a stake, the mobs decided - trial is over
These hungry hounds smell blood, and they don't care who eats it
Bound to a stake, I guess you shined too brightly for 'em
Unjustly burned alive
Bound to a stake, the mobs decided - trial is over
These hungry hounds smell blood, and they don't care who eats it
Bound to a stake, I guess you shined too brightly for 'em
Unjustly burned alive
Who appointed you judge? Who appointed you jury and firing squad?
It's so easy to shout - Witch Witch Witch
Who are you to decide? Who are you?
You don't know the truth of me
It's so easy to shout, accusations while everyone's' doing it
Who appointed you judge? Who appointed you jury and firing squad?
It's so easy to shout, accusations and curses while everyone's' doing it
Who appointed you judge? Who appointed you jury and named executioner?
Who are you to decide? Be you single or hundreds - you don't know the truth of me
Bound to a stake
These hungry hounds smell blood
Bound to a stake
Unjustly burned alive
Who are you to decide? Who are you?
You don't know the truth of me
It's so easy to shout, accusations and curses while everyone's' doing it
Who appointed you judge? Who appointed you jury and named executioner?
Who are you to decide?
Be you single or hundreds - you don't know the truth of me