Bloomin' ell I'm avin an alien baby
Don't know if it will come out as a boy or a lady
How many tentacles will it have?
How do you get child support from alien dads?
Bloomin' ell I'm avin an alien baby
Bloomin' ell I'm pregnant with an alien baby
Am I turning green or is it just making me crazy
Is it going to want world domination?
My rapid belly growth gives me a strange sensation!
Bloomin' ell I'm avin an alien baby
Will it explode out of me
Like a tawdry graphic sci fi scene
Will my face get on reality TV
Tbh i'm so excited I can barely breathe
Chuffin' ell I'm avin an alien baby
Will it love me or will it just find me tasty?
Don't know the science of extraterrestrial pregnancy
To be honest I'm a bit spooked generally
Bloomin' ell I'm avin an alien baby