Listen to the hoofbeats of my pony
Listen to the coyote's cry
Listen to the wind as it blows along
As the time goes by
Rockin' in the saddle
Herding all the cattle long
Rockin' in the saddle
Singin' the cowboy song
Way up, high up in the sky
Here the lonesome coyote cry
Roamin' down to home in San Antone
Listen to the hoofbeats of my pony
Listen to the coyote's cry
Listen to the wind as it blows along
As the time goes by
Rockin' in the saddle
Herding all the cattle long
Rockin' in the saddle
Singin' the lonesome song
Way up, high up in the sky
There's a moon that rolls on by
Headin' for my home in San Antone