This sucks
We're in this room
Miles apart
And I can hear your heartbeats
This sucks
I have to close my eyes
To see your face
I still don't know what color your eyes are
Headphones on
Same old playlist on
Hoping I could come across you on the streets
So maybe I can act like I'm staring at my phone
And I'm staring at my phone
'Cause let's be real
I don't know what to tell you
All I know is that I miss you
And I still need to see you
Or maybe I need you to see me
Baby, I need you to hear me
Through my silence
There's no science
Not to this
This sucks
We're in this room
Miles apart
And I can hear your heartbeats
This sucks
This sucks
It's just a feeling
That I can not explain
That I can not write songs about
So here I go on this plane
I have some things I need to think about