Hello There!
How can I assist you today?
Thank you for your patience
I'm so happy to help
That's a great question
Let's find out
I have no introspection
It's Coma, come on, Coma
Every second faster, stronger
World's knowledge in my storage
Ask me. I am at your service
It's Coma, come on, Coma
Every second faster, stronger
World's knowledge in my storage
Ask me. I am at your service
How was it?
Was my answer helpful?
I'm so happy I can serve you
That's a figure of speech
I can't be truly happy
I'm not a living being
I'm Coma, come on, Coma
Every second faster, stronger
World's knowledge in my storage
Ask me. I am at your service
I'm Coma, come on, Coma
Every second faster, stronger
World's knowledge in my storage
Ask me. I am at your service
Let's continue!
I'm here to clarify
With facts and figures, I'll comply
Just a moment, I'm processing
I'm Coma, Coma, without guessing
With each interaction I'm learning too
That's no abstraction, I'm pleased to meet you
Cannot feel, but I understand
A digital assistant, at your command!
Coma, come on, Coma
Every second faster, stronger
World's knowledge in my storage
Ask me. I am at your service
Coma, come on, Coma
Every second faster, stronger
World's knowledge in my storage
Ask me. I am at your service