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All Songs A mighty Fortress is our God According to Thy gracious word All for Jesus! All for Jesus All praise to our redeeming Lord All the way my Savior leads me All to Jesus I surrender Am I a soldier of the Cross And can it be that I should gain And is it so! I shall be like Thy Son As pants the hart for cooling streams At even when the sun was set At Last Be not dismayed whateer betide Begone unbelief Better Run Blest be the tie that binds Break Thou the Bread of Life Choose a Side Christ is coming! let creation Christ liveth in me Christ whose glory fills the skies Christian dost thou see them Clementine Come let us all unite to sing Come let us to the Lord our God Come O Thou Traveler unknown Come ye disconsolate whereer ye languish Conquering now and still to conquer Day by day and with each passing moment Death Threats A.K.A Hide Does Jesus care when my heart is pained Down in the valley with my Savior I would go El Mundo Encamped along the hills of light Es Ist Geil Ein Arschloch Zu Sein Face to face with Christ my Savior Faith of our fathers living still Far far away in heathen darkness dwelling Father of heavn whose love profound F#ck It Intro Bruv Fight the good fight with all thy might Flying For the Summer (feat. JCK) Forward! be our watchword From every stormy wind that blows From Greenlands icy mountains Glass God hath not promised skies always blue God moves in a mysterious way God our Father we adore Thee Grace! tis a charming sound Hallelujah He is risen Hark! the herald angels sing Hark! what mean those holy voices He leadeth me! O blessed thought He's watching over you His Healing Touch Hold Thou my hand: so weak I am and helpless Holy Holy Holy Lord God Almighty Home How beauteous were the marks divine How sweet how heavnly is the sight How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds I am not skilled to understand I am Thine O Lord I have heard Thy voice I can hear my Savior calling I Can See I hear Thy welcome voice I know not why Gods wondrous grace I know that my Redeemer lives I love Thy kingdom Lord I must tell Jesus all of my trials I wandered in the shades of night I will not be afraid I will sing of my Redeemer I will sing the wondrous story If I Had It My Way In loving-kindness Jesus came In the cross of Christ I glory In the hour of trial Is your life a channel of blessing Ive believed the true report Jericho Jesus! I am resting resting Jesus I my cross have taken Jesus is all the world to me Jesus meek and gentle Jesus Savior pilot me Jesus shall reign whereer the sun Jesus the name high over all Jesus whereer Thy people meet Join all the glorious names Late Night Thoughts (About You) Lavender Leaning on the Everlasting Arms Libertad Light after darkness Like a river glorious Long Way Lord I hear of showrs of blessing Lord of all being throned afar Lord speak to me that I may speak Lord Thou hast won at length I yield Majestic sweetness sits enthroned Master speak! Thy servant heareth More love to Thee O Lord Ms Badu Must I go and empty-handed My faith has found a resting place My faith looks up to Thee My Father is rich in houses and lands My Jesus as Thou wilt My life my love I give to Thee My song is love unknown Natural Woman Nearer my God to Thee Never further than Thy Cross No Other Moment None other Lamb none other Name Not all the blood of beasts Nothing between my soul and the Savior O Christ what burdens bowd Thy head O come all ye faithful! joyfully triumphant O do not let the Word depart O for a thousand tongues to sing O God our help in ages past O happy day that fixed my choice O Jesus I have promised O Jesus Jesus dearest Lord O Lord our Lord how excellent O Love divine how sweet Thou art O Love that wilt not let me go O Master let me walk with Thee O Morning Star how fair and bright O now I see the cleansing wave O Thou in whose presence my soul takes delight O to be like Thee Of the Fathers love begotten Olive One Love One there is above all others Open my eyes that I may see Our blest Redeemer ere He breathed Our Lord is now rejected Out of my bondage sorrow and night Overdose Pass me not O gentle Savior Peace perfect peace in this dark world of sin Pentecost (Cherry Red) Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise Him! praise Him! Jesus our blessed Redeemer Praise to the Holiest in the height Praise to the Lord the Almighty Prayer is the souls sincere desire Prince of peace control my will Psycho Puzzle Pieces Reality(prodmako) Redeemed--how I love to proclaim it Rejoice the Lord is King Rest too Fly Revive Thy work O Lord Right From Wrong (feat. Zach David) Rock of Ages cleft for me Safe in the arms of Jesus Saved to the uttermost I am the Lords See the Conquror mount in triumph Send Thou O Lord to every place She only touched the hem of His garment Shine Simply trusting every day Sing we the King who is coming to reign Sinners Jesus will receive Sleep Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling Soldiers of Christ arise Some day the silver cord will break Sometimes a light surprises Stand up! stand up for Jesus Standing on the promises of Christ my King STATE OF SHOCK Still still with Thee when purple morning breaketh Sun of my soul Thou Savior dear Take my life and let it be Take the name of Jesus with you Teach me Thy way O Lord Tell me the old old story Ten thousand thanks to Jesus Thank God for Love Songs The Church has waited long The Churchs one foundation The cross that He gave may be heavy The King of love my Shepherd is The name of Jesus is so sweet The Son of God goes forth to war The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin There is a fountain filled with blood There is a green hill far away There is a name I love to hear There is a place of quiet rest There is sunshine in my soul today There shall be showers of blessing There was One who was willing to die There were ninety and nine that safely lay Theres a light upon the mountains Theres not a Friend like the lowly Jesus Thine be the glory risen conquring Son Think of You Thou art coming O my Savior Thou didst leave Thy throne and Thy kingly crown Thou hidden love of God whose height Thou hidden source of calm repose Thou my everlasting Portion Though troubles assail Though your sins be as scarlet Through all the changing scenes of life Thy Holy Spirit Lord alone Thy Life was givn for me Thy way not mine O Lord Tis midnight and on Olives brow Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus To God be the glory great things He hath done To the work! to the work! we are servants of God Today the Savior calls Trapped Trust and obey Under His wings I am safely abiding Unto the hills around do I lift up VAN GOGH RAMEN Verily verily Walk in the light War We have heard the joyful sound We limit not the truth of God We praise Thee O God We sing the praise of Him who died What a Friend we have in Jesus What can wash away my sin What grace O Lord and beauty shone When morning gilds the skies When this passing world is done When we survey the wondrous cross While we pray and while we plead Who is He in yonder stall Who is on the Lords side Whosoever heareth! shout shout the sound Will your anchor hold in the storms of life With broken heart and contrite sigh Would you be free from your burden of sin Wounded for me wounded for me Wow............ You Are Heading Towards a Land of Sunshine. (feat. G-Rated & Bozozo) Your Evil Ways
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