1. A Child is born in Bethlehem:
Rejoice, rejoice, Jerusalem!
2. He Who for ever rules on high,
In this poor manger deigns to lie.
3. In that dear Child, here laid so low,
The ox and ass their Master know.
4. The Eastern monarchs to the King
Their gold, and myrrh, and incense bring.
5. Into the lowly shed they press,
That each the new-born Prince may bless.
6. Born of a Virgin Mother, He
Child of no earthly sire might be.
7. He Who ne'er felt the serpent's sting
Vouchsafed from our lost race to spring.
8. Made flesh, He here man's likeness bare,
Although man's guilt He could not share;
9. That man through Him might be restored
To the lost image of his Lord.
10. To Him, on this His Natal Day,
Let all their joyful homage pay.
11. O God the Holy Trinity,
All praise to Thee eternally!