1. The Virgin stills the crying
Of Jesus, sleepless lying;
And singing for His pleasure,
Thus calls upon her Treasure,
"My Darling, do not weep,
My Jesu, sleep!
2. O Lamb, my love inviting,
O Star, my soul delighting,
O Flower of mine own bearing,
O Jewel past comparing! [Chorus]
3. My Child, of Might indwelling,
My Sweet, all sweets excelling,
Of Bliss the Fountain flowing,
The Dayspring ever glowing, [Chorus]
4. My Joy, my Exultation,
My spirit's Consolation;
My Son, my Spouse, my Brother,
O listen to Thy Mother! [Chorus]
5. Say, would'st Thou heavenly sweetness,
Or love of answering meetness?
O is fit music wanting?
Ho! Angels, raise your chanting! [Chorus]