1. A shepherd band their flocks are keeping,
And gentle lambs are sweetly sleeping;
When suddenly they all behold
An angel in bright robes with harp of gold.
2. Glad tidings of great joy he bringeth,
The azure vault with anthems ringeth;
"Emmanuel" awakes the song,
And countless hosts the glorious theme prolong.
3. "To you this day is born a Saviour,
Your Prophet, Priest, and King forever;"
"All glory be to God," they cry;
"All glory be to God," let earth reply.
4. On earth be peace with mercy blending,
Good-will to men, and love unending;"
Thus sweetly sing the angel throng,
And all the heavenly host rehearse the song.
5. Through field and wood the song resoundeth,
O'er hill and vale the [Chorus] boundeth;
Exultingly the echoes roll.,
And hymns of triumph spread from pole to pole.
6. The shepherds view the host returning,
Their hearts with holy ardour burning;
To Bethlehem they wend their way,
Repeating with glad tongues th'angelic lay.
7. In haste they seek the heavenly Stranger;
They find the Babe laid in a manger;
With wonder and with awe they fall,
And joyfully adore Him, Lord of All!
8. Now every voice with rapture swelleth,
For Christ the Lord with mortals dwelleth;
Let men and angels Him adore,
And shout their glad Hosannas evermore.