Come to Bethleem and ye shall se
Puer natus est hodie.
A woman a mayd in thought and deede
A fayrer with eyen myght no man see
With her vgin paps her babe did fede
Puer natus est hodie.
The chyldes name is called Jesus
Gabryel sayde it shulde so be
Joye we togyther and syng we thus
Puer natus est hodie.
To make vs rych, pore was he than
With mekenes and humylytie
Doutles he is bothe god and man
Puer natus est hodie.
Kynges and prynces of this dyd here
Togyther they came a mayden to see
Lullyng her babe her blessed son dere
Puer natus est hodie.
Now (damage) olysful mayde ye bare ye byrthe
Pray to thy son that we may hym se