1. Let Christians all with joyful mirth,
Both young and old, both great and small,
Now think upon our Saviour's birth,
Who brought salvation to us all:
This day did Christ man's soul
From death remove,
With glorious saints to dwell in
Heaven above.
2. No palace, but an ox's stall,
The place of his nativity;
This truly should instruct us all
To learn of him humility. [Refrain]
3. Then Joseph and the Virgin came
Unto the town of Bethlehem,
But sought in vain within the same
For lodging to be granted them: [Refrain]
4. A stable harboured them, where they
Continued till this blessed morn.
Let us rejoice and keep the day,
Wherein the Lord of life was born: [Refrain]
5. He that descends from above,
Who for your sins has meekly died,
Make him the pattern of your love;
So will your joys be sanctified. [Refrain]