1. All who would see God's greatness,
Draw near, bend down, look low:
See how love appears among us
As small as a child. Then go,
Tell of the greatness made so small,
Tiny and hidden, God of all.
2. If you would share God's riches,
Draw near, reach out and touch:
God has only love to offer,
Enough for us, and too much.
Take up God's treasure, made so poor,
Naked the God that we adore.
3. Would you receive God's power?
Draw near, find strength in this:
Laid open to all our violence
Is love that will not resist.
This is our God, who chose to be
Tied with our bonds to set us free.
4. Stand in the holy silence
While earth with heaven sings
That here in our hands for holding
Is love that sustains all things.
Strange is this love that draws us near:
Glory of God, among us here.