1. All
Angels singing, church bells ringing,
Holly twining, Stars out shining,
Bright with smiles each childish face;
Haste to meet Him, Gladly greet Him,
Fall before Him, there adore Him,
Born of Mary, full of Grace.
2. Choir.
Tell us who is born today
Answer quickly, children, say?
3. Children
Jesus Christ, our God is born
As a Babe, this Christmas morn.
4. Choir
Say who brought the tidings down,
Who has made the wonder known?
5. Children
Thousand angels in the sky
Sang the glorious mystery.
6. Choir
Say what waters there were found
First to hear the welcome sound?
7. Children
Shepherds in the fields tonight,
HHeard the song and saw the Light
8. Choir
Rested they beside the fold
When the joyful news was told?
9. Children
Nay, with loving haste they sped
Unto Bethlehem's cattle-shed.
10. Choir
Quickly say what saw they there,
Did they find the Babe so fair?
11. Children
Yes, all sweetly on the hay,
Jesus in the manger lay.
12. Choir
Was He there alone? Were none
Set to guard the Blessed One?
13. Children
Mary rocked Him on her breast,
Joseph watched the Babe at rest.
14. Choir
May we too the Babe adore,
Kneeling on the stable-floor?
15. Children
Yes, we may adore Him thus,
For the Babe is born for us.
16. Choir
Unto us a Son is given,
God hath made us heirs of Heav'n!
Holy Spirit, Thee we pray,
Draw us hither day by day.
17. Children
Jesus! To Thy manger bed
May Thy children all be led;
There the Infant Saviour see,
Love and praise and worship Thee.
18. All
Angels singing, church bells ringing,
Holly twining, Stars out shining,
Bright with smiles each childish face;
Haste to meet Him, Gladly greet Him,
Fall before Him, there adore Him,
Born of Mary, full of Grace.