1. Arise and shine in splendor,
Let night to day surrender;
Thy light is drawing near,
Above thee day is beaming
In matchless beauty gleaming;
The glory of the Lord is here.
2. See earth in darkness lying,
The heathen nations dying
In hopeless gloom and night.
To thee the Lord of heaven -
Thy Life, thy Hope hath given
Great glory, honor and delight.
3. The World's remotest races,
Upon whose weary faces
The sun looks from the sky,
Shall run with zeal untiring,
With joy thy Light desiring
That breaks upon them from on high.
4. Lift up thine eyes in wonder;
See, nations gather yonder,
They all come unto thee.
The world has heard thy story,
Thy sons come to thy glory,
And daughters haste thy Light to see.
5. Thy heart will leap for gladness
When from the realms of sadness
They come o'er land and sea.
Thine eyes will wake from slumber
When people without number
Come thronging from afar to thee.