1. At dead of night, when all is still,
And silence sleeps on Bethlehem's hill;
When stars above are shining bright,
And shadows fall in pale moonlight,
The angel hosts descend to earth,
To tell us of a Saviour's birth!
To tell of a Saviour's birth.
2. The flocks are resting on the ground,
The wakeful Shepherds watch a-round;
When thrilling through the midnight air,
A voice is heard so sweet and clear,
That hills and valleys ring again
And echo round the joyful strain -
And echo the joyful strain.
3. All glory be to God on high!
Peace and goodwill afar and nigh!
Christ lieth in the manger; far
Above Him shines the glowing star;
It shines to bid all sorrow cease
Now Christ has come, the Prince of Peace!
Has come, the Prince of Peace!