1. Awake, and hear my story!
When God on Christmas morn,
Th' eternal Lord of glory,
Of Mary Maid was born.
Seeking the King of ages,
There journ'd from afar
Three kingly Eastern Sages,
By lengthy daily stages,
Led westward by a Star.
2. The Star, it stood and pointed
Toward the stable bare,
Wherein the Lord's Anointed
And eke His Mother were.
Opening each his coffer,
Balthazar giveth myrrh;
While Melchior doth offer
Gold-ore; see Gaspar proffer
Incense, the gum of fir.
3. So go we and adore Him,
Who was or time began:
So worship we afore Him,
Who stoops to die for man.
Welcome we too that Mother,
Thou Cherub higher, blest
As woman ne'er was other,
Who made the Lord or Brother,
And rock'd her God to rest.