1. Beyond the glitt'ring starry skies
Thou didst to earth descend:
To ransom, to save us,
To save us from our sins:
To ransom, to save us,
To ransom, to save us,
To ransom us Himself He gave
To save us from our sins.
2. "Hail glorious Prince of Peace," they cry,
Whose unexampled love
Mov'd Thee to quit those realms
And royalties above.
Mov'd Thee to quit those blissful realms,
Mov'd Thee to quit those blissful realms,
And royalties above.
3. Hail! mighty Jesus, Love divine,
Hail! messengers so nigh,
Who clapp'd triumphant wings and cried,
'Glory to God on high,!
Who clapp'd triumphant wings and cried,
Who clapp'd triumphant wings and cried,
'Glory to God on high!'