1. Carol, carol joyfully!
Christ the Lord is born!
With your sweetest minstrelsy,
Greet His Birthday morn.
Royal Infant fair and sweet,
Tiny hands and dimpled feet:
'Tis the king of pow'r confest,
Lies on maiden mother's breast.
Carol! Carol, Carol! Carol joyfully!
Sweetest songs of Angel throngs,
Sweetest praise our voices raise,
Infant Lord, to Thee!
Infant Lord, to Thee!
2. Carol, carol joyfully!
Herald-angels sing,
Through the starry midnight sky,
Of the new-born King.
Patient oxen round Him stand,
While the kings from Eastern land
Bring their off'rings manifold,--
Myrrh and frankincense and gold. [Refrain]
3. Carol, carol joyfully!
Winter's gloom is past
Now our Sun right royally
Sheds His rays at last;
Shines with holy peace and love,
Shines with light from heav'n above,
Bringing from the Father's Throne
Power to claim and keep His own. [Refrain]