1. Carol, sweetly carol,
Raise your voices high,
On this happy morning,
Morn of peace and joy.
Let your voices mingle
With the angel's song:
Glory in the highest;
Thus the strain pro-long.
Carol, sweetly carol,
Sing the glad [Refrain].
Glory in the highest;
Peace, good will to men.
2. Carol, sweetly carol,
How on Judah's plain,
Shepherds heard the story.
Told in heav'nly strain:
Peace, good will from heav'n,
On this happy morn;
In a manger lowly,
Christ the Lord is born. [Chorus]
3. Carol, sweetly carol,
How with one accord
Wise men brought their offering
To their Infant Lord.
We would come before Thee
With our gifts today;
Rule and reign, Lord Jesus,
In our hearts alway. [Chorus]
4. Carol, sweetly carol;
Let the earth resound
With the wondrous story
To remotest bound:
Then shall men adore Him,
Their thank-offerings bring,
Join the happy [Chorus]
Which the Angels sing. [Chorus]