1. Child, in the manger
Some time in danger
From the alarm and fury
Of the unrightful,
Godless, and spiteful
Herod, supreme o'er Jewry,
2. Many a silly
Babe, willy-nilly,
Two year of age and under,
Was from his brother,
Sifter, fire, mother,
Taken and torn a sunder.
3. When the foe fought thee,
Hither we brought thee,
Thanks to thine Angel-warning
In the night-season:
We with good reason
Gat us away ere morning.
4. Babe, as we bore thee
South-ward, afore thee
Many an idol, cherish'd,
Worshipt, and wreathen
By the poor heathen,
Fell from his throne, and perish'd.
5. Once, from these regions,
Came forth, in legions,
Israel's Ions and daughters,
[After thy thunders,
Plagues, and ten wonders]
Safe through the Red Sea waters.
6. So, my fair Jewel,
Be Herod cruel,
Here shall no ill betide us:
So, my rare Beryl,
Here is no peril,
If thou but be beside us.