1. Children, the wide world over,
Rally round your King;
Join in the angel [Chorus],
Let your voices ring.
Once in a lowly manger,
Now exalted high;
Children, the wide world over,
Sing, for the time draws nigh!
O children, rally round Him,
Who was laid in manger low:
The Kingly Babe whose advent night
Was lit by star's bright glow.
O children, rally round Him,
On His birthnight welcome sing!
Let earth respond while heaven sings!
O sing! little children, sing!
2. Children, the wide world over,
Tell the story sweet;
Teach other hearts to praise Him;
Bring them to His feet.
Come, as the sages, bearing
Gifts, in worship true,
Bring as your gift to Jesus
Some one to love Him too. [Chorus].
3. Tell how the Babe of heaven
Came in matchless love -
Came from the heights of glory
That dear love to prove.
Tell how He brought salvation
To this world below!
Tell how He gives in mercy
Balm for the whole world's woe. [Chorus].