1. Christ keep us all, as He well can,
A solis ortus cardine;
For He is both God and Man,
Qui natus est de virgine.
Sing we, sing we: Gloria Tibi, Domine.
2. As He is Lord, both day and night,
Venter puelle baiulat,
So is Mary, mother of might,
Secreta que non noverat.
Sing we, sing we: Gloria Tibi, Domine.
3. The holy breast of chastity,
Verbo concepit Filium
So brought before the Trinity,
Ut castytatis lyllyum.
Sing we, sing we: Gloria Tibi, Domine.
4. Between an ox and an ass
Enixa est puerpera;
In poor clothing clothed He was,
Qui regnat super ethera.
Sing we, sing we: Gloria Tibi, Domine.