1. Christen people, Christmas-morn
Buddeth you
Up and view
Where the king of bliss is born.
Let the Star,
When o'er frith and fen
From afar
Led the holy men
To manger,
Point the way
That ye may
On this day
Worship Mary's Babe as they.
2. Seek ye, with the herds a-field,
There with them
Firstlings of your flock to yeild.
There give ear
To the Seraph throng
Chanting clear
Merry Matin-song;
'Peace on earth, Good-will,' they cry
Through the sky
3. Sith, to save mankind forlorn,
Jesu Christ,
God most High'st,
Condescendeth to be born,
Let mankind,
To his greater praise,
Have a mind
Heart and voice to raise,
And anon let Mass be sung,
Bell be run,
Censer swung,
Jesu's Name on every tongue.