1. Come, O Immanuel, come,
And set Thine Israel free;
In exile from our home,
We long and sigh for Thee:
O Saviour, come, on earth to dwell,
Thou, "God with us," Immanuel!
2. Come, Rod of Jesse's stem;
From sin and from the grave
Thy people to redeem,
From Satan's grasp to save:
The wily tempter's power to quell,
Come dwell with us, Immanuel!
3. O come, Thou orient Light,
Thou Day-star from on high;
Shine through the mists of night,
And bright the morning nigh:
The gloomy shades of death dispel,
And dwell with us, Immanuel.
4. Come, armed with David's key
To Thee alone 'tis given
To open wide and free
The portals of the Heaven,
And close the gates of death and hell,
Thou, "God with us," Immanuel!
5. Come, Lord, in Majesty,
As once on Sinai's brow;
Yet lay Thy terrors by,
And come in mercy now;
All-glorious, yet in love as well,
Come, dwell with us, Immanuel!