1. Eastern monarchs, Sages Three,
Come with gifts in great plenty.
Worth Christ on bended knee --
Cum Virgine Maria.
2. Gold, in honour of the King,
Incense to the Priest they bring,
Myrrh, for time of burying --
Cum Virgine Maria.
3. On His might (it hath no end)
All created things depend,
To His will the world must bend --
Cum Virgine Maria.
4. His the praise and glory be,
Laud and honour, victorie,
Power supreme! and so sing we
Cum Virgine Maria.
5. On the feast-day of His birth,
Set on thrones above the earth,
Angels change in holy mirth
Cum Virgine Maria.
6. Thus, to bless the One in Three,
Let this present company
Raise the voice of melody --
Cum Virgine Maria.