1. Eternity! tremendous word,
The womb of mysteries yet unheard,
Beginning without ending;
O who can comprehend the woe,
Or who the joys that ceaseless flow,
Thy silent course attending?
O morn that shall no evening see!
O marvels of eternity!
2. Here sorrows have their bound and stay;
Still after night returns the day,
Sweet hope its solace plighting:
There everlasting is the grief,
No mercy there, no sweet relief
On human heart alighting:
Eternity for evermore
Shall on the soul its terrors pour.
3. The wrath of heaven's almighty King
This fearful doom on all will bring
Who live in godless fashion;
On all the scorners, who despise
The Son of God their Sacrifice,
His Cross and bitter Passion:
O thankless scorn, O guilty pride,
God's love disdained, God's wrath defied!
4. O Jesu Christ, Thy grace we pray,
That we may know the accepted day,
And seek Thy consolation:
Prepare us for Thy blest abode
By daily converse with our God
In prayer and meditation.
The soul hath rest that dwells with Thee
In time and through eternity.