1. From the desert-caverns rude
Now the new Elias fareth;
Sore he chides the viper-brood,
And for Christ a way prepareth:
Lo the Judge is hastening hither,
Purging with his fan the floor;
Soon in fire the chaff shall wither,
While the wheat his barns shall store.
2. Christ is coming; mount and hill,
Bending low your heads, adore him!
Vales arise, your hollows fill,
Crooked ways, grow straight before him!
High fore-runner, light's true herald,
Rouse the slumberers on thy path,
Lest we perish, sloth imperill'd,
In the Lamb's avenging wrath.
3. Highest praise to God the Lord,
To the Father's endless merit;
To the sole-begotten Word,
Who all glory cloth inherit;
Praise and honour without ending
Be to him, the Spirit of love,
Forth the Christian champion sending,
Arm'd with unction from above.