1. Glorious, beauteous, golden-bright
Shedding softest purest light,
Shone the stars that Christmas night
When the Jewish shepherds kept
Watch beside their flocks that slept.
2. But the stars' sweet golden gleam
Faded quickly as a dream
'Mid the wondrous glory-stream,
That illuminated all the earth,
When Christ's Angels sang His birth.
3. Soft and pure and holy glory,
Kings and seers and prophets hoary,
Shed throughout the sacred story:
While the priests, like shepherds true,
Watch'd beside God's chosen few.
4. But that light no more availed,
All its splendour straightway paled
In His light whom Angels hailed;
Even as the stars of old,
'Mid the brightness lost their gold.
5. Now no more on Christmas night,
Is the sky with Angels bright,
But for ever shines the Light;
Even He whose birth they told
To the shepherds by the fold.
6. Since that Light then darkens never,
Let us all, with glad endeavour,
Sing the song that echoes ever:
Glory in the highest Heaven!
Peace on earth to us forgiven.