1. Softly beaming, brightly gleaming,
See you lovely star;
Glad, good news it brings to men,
For in little Bethlehem,
In a manger lies a Stranger,
Christ the Lord and King,
Come to earth salvation unto all to bring.
Guiding star, O shine upon our path today,
As of old, still lead us with thy beauteous ray;
By thy light reveal to us the King of love,
Till at least we sing His praise above.
2. Angels singing, earthward winging,
From the realms of light;
Hover over Judah's plain,
Lifting high a joyous strain,
Wondrous story, peace and glory,
In their matchless theme
For the wondrous Infant shall from sin redeem. [Chorus].
3. Waiting sages, through the ages,
Of His coming told;
God with us -- Emmanuel,
Now with sinful man doth dwell;
High and holy, meek and lowly,
God and man is He,
Born today with pow'r divine our souls to free. [Chorus].