1. From realms of glory far away
Good news and peace we bear today;
The Christ on earth is come to stay;
Good news we bring and peace.
Good news, good news,
Good news we bring and peace:
Good news, good news,
Good news we bring and peace.
2. The shepherds rose with awe and fear,
To know that Christ their Lord was near,
When angels sang to sweet and clear;
Good news we bring and peace. [Chorus]
3. In David's city now is born
The Christ, to save a world forlorn;
Come, seek Him out this happy morn:
Good news we bring and peace. [Chorus]
4. A bruised reed He shall not break -
He comes! He Comes! just for your sake;
Your hearts alone He seeks to take:
Good news we bring and peace. [Chorus]
5. Men, listen to the words we sing;
We are the heralds of their King;
And through all time this song shall sing:
Good news we bring and peace. [Chorus]