1. Hail, ever hail, thou glorious morn,
The brightest since the Fall:
Mortals rejoice! the Saviour's born,
O crown Him Lord of all,
O crown Him Lord of all.
He comes, He comes, our world to bless
To ransom every thrall
From doom of endless wretchedness,
O crown Him Lord of all;
O crown Him Lord of all.
2. Hark! angels all the welkin throng
With voices musical;
A Saviour here they waft along
And greet Him Lord of all,
And greet Him Lord of all.
Girded in robes of waving light
They seek the sordid stall;
Gaze there with rapture of delight,
And own Him Lord of all;
And own Him Lord of all.
3. Ye Shepherds, now a herald flies
To you, obey the call,
Immanuel in a manger lies
Go crown Him Lord of all,
Go crown Him Lord of all.
The sceptre, orb, and throne prepare
Attend ye great and small;
Let Christmas welcome rend the air,
And crown Him Lord of all;
And crown Him Lord of all.